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Web Apps

Meteor allows developers to build web applications using front-end frameworks like React, Vue, Blaze, Svelte, and Solid. This section will help you quickly set up a new MeteorJS project using React.

Step 1: Install Meteor

Ensure you have the latest official Meteor release installed. You can find installation instructions in our docs.

Step 2: Create a New Project

To create a new project with Meteor and React, use the command:

meteor create myapp

This command sets up a Meteor project with React, allowing you to start developing right away.

You can also add the --react option to explicitly choose React, but it's already included by default. If you prefer TypeScript, simply add the --typescript option.

meteor create myapp --typescript

Additional Options

Meteor offers flags to generate different types of apps, like choosing a different front-end framework or configurations during project setup.

Additional options are available in the Meteor CLI section.

Step 3: Run Your Project Locally

Navigate into your project directory and start the Meteor server:

cd myapp

With no arguments, meteor runs the project in the current directory in local development mode. Your application will be running at http://localhost:3000/, ready for you to begin development.

Getting Help

You can find help for using the Meteor command line. Just run meteor help to see a list of common commands. If you want detailed help about a specific command, run meteor help <command>. For example, meteor help create.

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