
Documentation of Meteor's `oauth-encryption` package.

Encrypts sensitive login secrets stored in the database such as a login service’s application secret key and users’ access tokens.

Generating a Key

The encryption key is 16 bytes, encoded in Base64.

To generate a key:

$ meteor node -e 'console.log(require("crypto").randomBytes(16).toString("base64"))'

Using oauth-encryption with accounts

On the server only, use the oauthSecretKey option to Accounts.config:

Accounts.config({ oauthSecretKey: 'onsqJ+1e4iGFlV0nhZYobg==' });

This call to Accounts.config should be made at load time (place at the top level of your source file), not called from inside of a Meteor.startup block.

To avoid storing the secret key in your application’s source code, you can provide the same value under Meteor.settings.packages.accounts-base.oauthSecretKey:

  "packages": {
    "accounts-base": {
      "oauthSecretKey": "onsqJ+1e4iGFlV0nhZYobg=="

Migrating unencrypted user tokens

This example for Twitter shows how existing unencrypted user tokens can be encrypted. The query finds user documents which have a Twitter access token but not the algorithm field which is created when the token is encrypted. The relevant fields in the service data are then encrypted.

const cursor = Meteor.users.find({
  $and: [
    { 'services.twitter.accessToken': { $exists: true } },
    { 'services.twitter.accessToken.algorithm': { $exists: false } }

cursor.forEach((userDoc) => {
  const set = {};

  ['accessToken', 'accessTokenSecret', 'refreshToken'].forEach((field) => {
    const plaintext = userDoc.services.twitter[field];

    if (!_.isString(plaintext)) {

    set[`services.twitter.${field}`] = OAuthEncryption.seal(

  Meteor.users.update(userDoc._id, { $set: set });

Using oauth-encryption without accounts

If you’re using the oauth packages directly instead of through the Meteor accounts packages, you can load the OAuth encryption key directly using OAuthEncryption.loadKey:


If you call retrieveCredential (such as Twitter.retrieveCredential) as part of your process, you’ll find when using oauth-encryption that the sensitive service data fields will be encrypted.

You can decrypt them using OAuth.openSecrets:

const credentials = Twitter.retrieveCredential(token);
const serviceData = OAuth.openSecrets(credentials.serviceData);

Using oauth-encryption on Windows

This package depends on npm-node-aes-gcm, which requires you to have OpenSSL installed on your system to run. To install OpenSSL on Windows, use one of the binaries on this page. Don’t forget to install the Visual Studio 2008 redistributables if you don’t have them yet.

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