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Community Packages


The Meteor community is making great efforts to migrate popular packages to Meteor 3.0.

A spreadsheet maintained by @harryadel tracks the status of your favorite packages and offers opportunities to help.

There are some very popular community packages that do not have a documentation website or only have a readme file. This section tries to list and add some information about usage, configuration, and examples for these packages.

Think this section as an Awesome List, similar to awesome-node or awesome-react

Many packages have been consolidated into the Meteor Community organization. Others are maintained by individual developers or companies.

If you use or have a package that you think would be useful to add to this list, please open a pull request.

Please bear in mind if you are adding a package to this list, try providing as much information as possible, including:

  • Who maintains the package – how to get in touch to submit issues or questions
  • Why is this package for?
  • API
  • examples/guide

List of Community Packages

Method/Subscription helpers

  • meteor-rpc, Meteor Methods Evolved with type checking and runtime validation
  • jam:method, An easy way to create Meteor methods with extensions to offline handling
  • jam:pub-sub, Publish / subscribe using a Method and/or Change Streams, and cache subscriptions for Meteor apps

MongoDB collection extensions


  • jam:offline, An easy way to give your Meteor app offline capabilities and make it feel instant